Wednesday, May 04, 2011


The State of Michigan has ruled that Oscar's employer does not have sufficient cause to block his unemployment insurance.
This means we will have enough to cover the bills until Oscar gets his further certification and finds a MUCH better job!


Min said...

This is EXCELLENT news!!!!!!

LynnM said...

Kids might also laugh but these skits are made for adults! And "YAY" for this ruling-- I chime in with my "Mahnamana!"

AlisonH said...

Thank heavens. YAY!!!

Ria said...

Awesome news!!

cedarstrings said...

I was thrilled a few years ago to find the entire "The Muppets Show" on DVD to share with my daughter. They introduced her to Gene Kelly and a young (and smaller) Sir Elton John, and helped develop her sense of humor. Thanks for sharing Mnama Na.
Great news from the State of Michigan. I hope this buys enough time for the two of you to transition a little more smoothly into the next phase of careers/life.

prpltrtl946 said...


I LOVE it when the good guy wins!!!

Don Meyer said...

LOVE the muppets!