Yesterday when I made the Kiva Loan to Doris Yolanda Blanco Huallpa, the amount gathered compared to the full loan needed was at 13% (the loan request was listed on Jan. 1st). Before I went to bed last night, I received the following note from Kiva.org:
"Dear Diana Troldahl, This is an update on your loan to Doris Yolanda Blanco Huallpa in Peru. Thanks to you and 37 other Kiva Lenders, the $1,050.00 loan requested by DORIS YOLANDA BLANCO HUALLPA in Peru has been 100% funded. The loan will be used for the purpose of: To buy wool.. Over the months of this loan, Kiva’s Field Partner in Peru, Manuela Ramos / CrediMUJER, will be collecting repayments from this entrepreneur and posting progress updates on the Kiva website."
So 38 people covered that loan, in one day! It feels good to be a small part of something so powerful as changing a life.
Details HERE
What a great way to start the year! Woot for you and Doris!!
This is absolutely wonderful. I've bookmarked the website. Thanks so much, Diana--and bless you!
That is really, really cool.
So awesome!
Like Margaret Mead famously said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Hip! Hip! Hurray!
Absolutely wonderful! What a fantastic new year's present for all concerned!
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