She has a lovely attached i-cord edging on hers, but I went for a half-double crochet border on mine.
Hidden under the kerchief is a connected series of hair bands, used to keep it on and my hair neatly tucked under. Go to Leslie's blog for adorable photos of it being modeled by her daughter.
It will keep the bit of draft from my head (I sit below an air vent).
I used a mysterious black that just might be Lamb's Pride for the contrast color, blue Cleakheaton worsted for the blue, and a lovely heathery purple Cascade 220 for the pink.
It was a quick, fun knit with very clever shaping to make things interesting, and keep the pointy bit from standing up :-}

Thank you for this lovely post AND for being the very first to make a LuLu Kerchief! :)
Handknit warmth on a winter's morning. Perfect.
That's pretty cute, I must say!
Ack! You beat me to finishing a project again, already! But I did manage to finish reading a book, so one down and 51 to go for this year...
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