Her blog entries HERE describe in great detail with wonderful photos how to make one yourself from parts you can find at Home Depot.
She has given permission for anyone to share the information and spread the word. Her post is below:
A while back, in 2006, I made my own adaptive writing device. A friend suggested I try putting a crochet hook in it instead of a marker, nearly 2 years ago, and I’ve been crocheting with it since then. I figure people in this comm might be interested in it, or know someone who would be…
Design, instructions, and pictures of the assembly are at http://markeronastick.blogspot.com
(Note: I am not selling any of my Device. I am releasing the design and instructions to make it free, under a noncommercial license, to anyone who might need one. Please share the above link with anyone you know who might benefit from an adaptive device of this sort.)
I'm 54 yrs old brain tumors at age 2 and 4. Has left me with a left hand with lack on finger strength and coordination . I have found many adaptive ways to use left hand even in thirty yrs of nursing but crocheting has been a struggle. I'm unable to hold left index finger up for tension. I need help or suggestion on how to hold yarns or a adaptive device . I even tried to crochet with left hand but unable to hold needle.
I love crocheting I thought myself two yrs ago . I struggle with left hand makes it less and less so. Please help thank you. Wendy
Wendy, I did a bit of thinking and one idea is to use a table clamp to help secure the yarn, then lift up on the strand with your hand to help add a bit of tension while using the hook. You may also be able to use something like a yarn tool called a "knitting thimble" that fits around one of your fingers (like they use for stranded knitting) to add tension to the yarn. I also found this website with ideas for adaptive ideas for general crafts.
Another idea is to try holding the yarn around your neck like Portuguese knitters do, the tensioning is added by the friction on your neck and running the yarn through a safety pin type pin on your shirt.
I hope this helps!
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