I often try to knit both socks at the same time, so that I needn't make notes about how many rounds I did or how big the toe or cuff was. I just stop after the first toe or cuff, and make the second to match.
Of course, if I am designing a sock, I need to write it all down anyway, but I still have less enthusiasm for that second sock.
My Dad and Mom honored me by requesting that I knit another pair of socks for him. This is big. It's not that they are hypercritical, but that when they praise something, they really mean it. So I have that coming up pretty soon on my list. I want to have them finished by the time the weather cools come September.
I may write the pattern down this time, if I can find something unique to do that isn't too jazzy for Dad to like. The most important qualities are the flexibility and smoothness, so most likely I'll just work the First Time Toe-Up pattern from Colorjoy which is my favorite. I'll use the same yarn as for the first pair, too. Andean Silk from Knit Picks, which is a blend of alpaca, silk and merino.
A pair of Oscar's favorite socks were also made from that yarn (photo above) Maybe I should write up that pattern soon. I like how it turned out.
I have decided that when I make socks for myself, I will be perfectly happy to just have one sock from any pattern that intrigues me.
I wore mismatched socks as a kid when I had trouble deciding what pair to wear (which was at least once a week, if not every day). Why should I be any different as an adult?
Now I need to convince my friends and family that mismatched socks are the best kind of gift to get.
I think my nieces and nephews would be cool with that. they have a lot of me in them :-}
And my Goddess Son Sean Elijah... He's only 8 and a half months old.. I can start working on his fashion sense now, and gift him mismatched socks for the rest of his life :-}
I was a mismatched sock wearer too. Must be why we are friends in the universe...
I love it! And you've probably read my story of the woman accosting me indignantly outside the grocery store: Hey! Your socks don't match!
I smiled back, Yes, isn't it cool?
(The hubby just asked what I was laughing at, I told him, and he exclaimed, "DOBBIE!" As in Harry Potter.)
My nearest 5 year old is with you. She got Chippy Socks for a reason!
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