(and I hope there's a companion site called "Chronic Studs" or something, if not, I hope someone starts one!) Although I may be a bit 'long in the tooth' to be considered a 'Babe' I am definitely still vital and vibrant despite chronic illness.
The site has on it's home page: "If you're a sick chick in search of like-minded folks—the kind of people who are living well in spite of illness—you're in the right place!
I may not be 'living well' but I'm doing my damnedest!
I found under the 'help desk' section, a portion of the site called Beautiful Things. "Who says medical tools and paraphernalia has to be ugly and bland? Or beige? Here are some of our recommendations of vendors and crafters who are making beautiful things to help you live well."
On another part of the site I found and Exercise and Fitness section.
On Disaboom, I found a treasure trove of alternative exercise tips, tricks, workout routines, links ot other sites of use in exercise etc.
Here are some of those links:
Chair Yoga with Lakshmi Voelker Binder (I am using this now, and love it!)
Strength Training From a Chair, including a workout with weights.
Resistance Band Workout. I will do this one once a week, with bands that Liz gave us.
Tips on Choosing a Workout Right For You
I hope these help some one, they helped me.
I think this site will become another of my favorites, along with But you Don't Look Sick.
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