I was able to gift a neighbor (our dog Kitsune's former mom) with some plants from the garden that were failing, and parts of some plants that neeeded dividing.. It makes me feel so much better to have them somewhere they will be cherished instead of feeling guilty because I can't clear the weeds from around them. Sharon is ecstatic, she scored a Japanese painted fern, a foam flower, a few Monkshood (I had extras when I transplanted them), some phlox, mountain mint, pulmonaria, dead nettle, Johnson's Blue wild geranium and some variegated white striped grass. She did me a favor by dividing my plants, and was SO happy!
I need to transplant a paeonie that was planted too deeply and has yet to bloom. It may also want more sun. (this will be my third attempt) . I also found my Lady's Mantle. I think Lynn wanted a start of it, so I will pot it up for her before we go visiting on the 10th.
Below, some images taken in the past few years of plants mentioned above:

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