Monday, May 07, 2018

Community Gardening

So on Sunday I found out which plot of land I get at the Community Garden and met the garden leader.  Because new gardeners often try to bite off more than they can chew, The Garden Project of the Greater Lansing Food Bank assigns first-year gardeners a 10x20 foot plot.  Plenty to grow a lot of food, but not so much that it is likely to discourage a gardener from coming back year after year.  If you come back the next year and want a larger plot, you can do that.  The garden I selected a few blocks from home turns out to have been recently enlarged, and the plot I was assigned is luckily on one of the sunniest spots, and not down in the boggy end of the garden.

Now I just need to finish planting the living plants in the home garden... the ones that are not in the ground yet... so they don't die on me.  I have two Forsythia bushes, 12 milkweed plants (4 each of 3 kinds), 2 tomato plants, a dill plant, a dozen ajuga plants, plus 2 cabbage plants for the community garden.

After that I can get to planting in the Community Garden plot... the melon, squash, cabbage, rutabaga, and other vegetables that we didn't have room for here at the house.  I have another 3-day weekend planned, hoping to catch up on at least some of the tasks that I didn't finish last weekend.

Maybe tomorrow we can thin the lettuce, spinach, and peppercress enough for a small salad.  If so, I will try to get some pictures of the containers we are harvesting from...  It amazes us how well the garden is doing already!


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