Tomorrow, the house becomes our home, and there is SUCH rejoicing!
It will be a long day for me, and the next three weeks will be long and difficult, too.
Oscar and I plan to share a meal in our new home tomorrow evening, and trial some paint colors, then come back to the apartment. The kitchen seen in the photo will be pale blue and two light shades of yellow... I really hate beige, especially in a kitchen.
Oscar will be going back tomorrow through Tuesday to paint at least three rooms.
In the following two weekends, he will be spending time at the house to be there for service installation, to remove three carpets, and oversee a team who will sand and seal two floors and buff two more. (the carpet pad was glued to the hardwood !!!) The third carpet is likely over concrete in the three-season room. That floor will be painted, I think.
Also in the meantime we need to get a hitch put on the car, buy a trailer with ramp (to transport my electrical power chair), and get ready for our official move day, July 21st!
I can hardly wait to take my chair out by myself and explore our new neighborhood :-}
Other dreams that become possible include gardening, beer and mead brewing, grilling and smoking..... It's going to be a busy time getting settled into our new happier life :-}
The pretty green form exploring under the sink is my Sis-In-Love, who lives just across the street and one house down from our new home. Happy, happy days ahead!
It will be a long day for me, and the next three weeks will be long and difficult, too.
Oscar and I plan to share a meal in our new home tomorrow evening, and trial some paint colors, then come back to the apartment. The kitchen seen in the photo will be pale blue and two light shades of yellow... I really hate beige, especially in a kitchen.
Oscar will be going back tomorrow through Tuesday to paint at least three rooms.
In the following two weekends, he will be spending time at the house to be there for service installation, to remove three carpets, and oversee a team who will sand and seal two floors and buff two more. (the carpet pad was glued to the hardwood !!!) The third carpet is likely over concrete in the three-season room. That floor will be painted, I think.
Also in the meantime we need to get a hitch put on the car, buy a trailer with ramp (to transport my electrical power chair), and get ready for our official move day, July 21st!
I can hardly wait to take my chair out by myself and explore our new neighborhood :-}
Other dreams that become possible include gardening, beer and mead brewing, grilling and smoking..... It's going to be a busy time getting settled into our new happier life :-}
The pretty green form exploring under the sink is my Sis-In-Love, who lives just across the street and one house down from our new home. Happy, happy days ahead!
الكثير من الخدمات تتعرف عليها الان من خلال تواصلك مع شركة العنود وافضل المتخصصين فى مكافحة حشرات بمكة كما تحصل على خصم خاص من شركة رش مبيدات بمكة عند تواصلك معنا من خلال زيارة موقعنا فنحن نعمل على استخدام احدث التقنيات للتخلص من الحشرات نهائيا
تواصل الان مع العديد من مهندسى الصيانة داخل توكيل صيانة ال جي لمعرفة المزيد عن كافة خدمات الصيانة مع توفير العديد من قطع الغيار الاصلية داخل فروع صيانة ال جي بجميع المحافظات فقط تواصل معنا الان من خلال زيارة موقعنا الالكترونى او عن طريق رقم ال جي للصيانة
تخلص نهائيا من جميع انواع الحشرات المنزلية بواسطة افضل المواد المبيدة للحشرات لدى اكبر شركة ابادة حشرات فى مصر عند تواصلك معنا تتعرف على اقوى الفنيين الذين يعملون على مكافحة حشرات والقضاء عليها دون ظهورها مرة اخرى
Nice post...
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