Saturday, February 26, 2011

Smacked Upside the Head by Teeny Tiny Things

Near the end of January I was congratulating myself on having a pretty good Winter, cold and flu-wise. I had a few bad days but nothing like some years. Then February hit. And I have had three different kinds of flu so far (or three mutations of the same kind) And I feel crappy again today. On the positive side, I HAVE had a day or so between bouts to accomplish some things.
I am particularly happy that I felt well enough Thursday to join Oscar to go see the the Asylum Street Spankers, who are having  a farewell tour. The band is out of Austin,Texas and they sing lots of Tin-Pan Alley, Blues, Jazz.. some of them classics, a lot of them they write themselves. We had a wonderful time. It was the first time in a long time (almost a year?) since we were able to go to a concert together.
I hope the flu bugs will be left behind when February passes. I have things I need to do!


Min said...

You go to the most interesting events!

Anonymous said...

Feel better soon!!!

AlisonH said...

Be well, and I'm glad you got to go!