I really enjoy some of the fabulous surprises I get in the mail to review. They vastly outweigh the occasional book that is not to my taste. Even those I read, of course, and do the best job I can to review them without letting my internal prejudices get in the way. Most of the books are very skillfully written, and I can always fall back on commenting on how well the plot is crafted.
I have one of those hanging over my head right now. The book is due out the first week of June, and I have managed to plow my way about half through. It is a non-genre book that aspires to literary heights, and I am a genre girl all the way, seeking entertainment, not enlightenment. On the plus side, the book is well-written, and the characters seem memorable. I skipped ahead to the end, though, and the conclusion was disappointingly sombre and predictable. I will go back and finish reading the book, and hope I find something more I can write about it in a positive vein. Just because I don't like modern literary (non-genre) fiction doesn't mean others shouldn't. My job is to let a potential reader know what they might enjoy, whether I enjoy the same things or not!
I have 19 reviews at Freshfiction so far, and have 2 more I just uploaded, waiting for final review. I have 5 left in the pile, although I have rough drafts written for 3 of those. Maybe I can squeak one more out today, although the Withig scarf is calling. I only have 3 more 36-row repetitions before it's done and ready for blocking!
First time I've seen this side of the writing business. It looks like FF pays it's reviewers in free literature, which isn't half bad if you love books :)
Wonder if they do the same for crafting books.
To be fair, I've found a LOT of enlightenment in with my genera entertainment.
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