Monday, January 25, 2010


Something happened Friday so that after a certain point in time EVERY email I sent (each of which is sitting smugly smiling in my 'sent mail' folder) in actuality disappeared into the ether, and never made it to the destination. I can email myself, and it arrives ok, but nobody else can hear from me via that particular venue. (Onanism, anyone?)
Turns out it is such an odd problem that it has been lofted up to Corporate for a solution. They are supposed to call me before doing anything drastic like *shudder* deleting all my saved emails to start fresh. (I was up until 3 a.m. downloading all the important stuff to my hard drive, so as not to lose my contacts list, pattern submission info etc).
So, if you did not receive a reply to an email you sent me sometime on Friday or after, I will be going through my sent items folder and sending you a response via my gmail account sometime in the next few days. Today? I will knit quietly at my Aestlight Shawl, hoping I can count with only 3.5 hours of sleep under my belt. Maybe I'd better stop after the garter stitch section and start a second one?


Lynx said...

if it cheers you any, the first WCB mitt is done and the second started! tomorrow is 5hoursfree at school, so between posc and world lit, I should get a few rounds done. :-)

Susieknitster said...

I know what it is like working only 2-3 hours of sleep. I have chronic fatigue, but that doesn't mean I sleep all the time. I am wondering why I can sleep so great during the day, if I lay down for a nap, but if I stay up and don't nap I can't sleep as well. The eternal question! I love your designs and I am so happy for you that Knitpicks has picked up your patterns. Happy Knitting


Karen said...

Only you, Diana, can make a very frustrating computer problem funny!! Oh boy! Well, I hope things get fixed fast. Love the cat photograph. I know that feeling sooooo well.

AlisonH said...

Oh, ouch. Here's hoping it all gets fixed painlessly.

Leslie said...

Oi, good luck with that, I wouldn't even want to contemplate it.

BTW word verification is dinglo, it amused me..

Lynx said...

Dinglo? I like that!!!
The kitty reminds me of myself yesterday, when I had to frog the second mitt FIVE times before getting it right. (Bear in mind, the first one went just fine with no frogging at all....) But now all is going well (knock knock) and I got the Lit paper done, so hopefully can accomplish more tonight before class... Love you!

Kym said...

Hope all your problems are fixed by now! :-) Computers. . . gotta love 'em!