Thanks to the people who have bought my "Cloud On Her Shoulders" pattern so far this year, I am able to donate $31 to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. It is small, I know. But I have to believe that every little bit helps. The $31 when combined with last year's amount comes to $46 of difference, anyway. And as the pattern sells for the rest of my working life, that total will continue to rise, I hope.
I liked doing this so much that I plan to release one new pattern each year that will have $1.00 of it's purchase price going to charity. I am working on the pattern for 2009 this week, and will be releasing it by the 22nd of this month. I will be using the $1.00 from each pattern sold to add to a Kiva loan.
That way I can just keep reinvesting it, and the money can keep helping.
Hey Diana, I donated $75 to Claudia's MS bike-a-thon and won your patterns so have to consider that in your fundraising efforts!
Like I said earlier, make sure people know this is a great pattern for homespun! I'll try to plug on ravelry once I do my Noro.
I've always liked the KIVA model. I just contributed a small amount to a group of women in Bolivia who mostly knit sweaters, socks and gloves. It made sense. The funds I donated with, came from selling some patterns through Knittingzone.com and it just seemed to make sense.
Last time I went to the KIVA site I just didn't find a loan to fund that felt this right. Female knitting entrepreneurs, perfect. I'm in.
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