Thursday, February 26, 2009

Full Stop: Writing a book

I am writing a book. After my weekend at Convocation, it's sitting up and begging to be written.
I shifted focus from fiction to non-fiction, and this subject grabbed on with all hands and is tugging at me, wanting to be born.
I have been working on it about 4 days now and have the chapter headings, the rough draft of the preface, and a needed survey set out.
Today is a day for letting it cook on the back burner, so I will spend it doing household stuff and knitting.
I'm diving back in tomorrow, and sketching out the chapters more thoroughly, outlining the research needed.
One goal is to have the survey all ready to send out by Monday, and to begin fleshing out chapter one by Tuesday.

It feels great to have this fire in my belly again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The one bit of advice I would give is, get it written, read and proofread and reread about a bajillion times, and then put it aside for a very minimum of a month of not touching it at all. Then when you go back and go over it again, you have a fresh take on it and you see things you want to edit that you'd totally missed before.