Saturday, September 01, 2007

My Pattern is Published!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I am very excited, I am officially a professional knit designer, published in an international (out of Great Britain) online knitting magazine, Magknits. And I will get paid!
Wow, that sounds hi-falutin'.
But I am very, very chuffed (to keep it in British vernacular :-}.
The link to the magazine is here: MAGKNITS
and to my design in particular is here: BYZANTINE BAG

I think I am proudest that she only added one line, and otherwise left my pattern unchanged :-}


broadcasting from a knitting parlour said...

Congrats! Saw your note on the Knit Design list. Good Work! This must be doing wonders for your motivation!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful, and to think I saw it in the making. Keep up the good work!

Jan said...

I love this bag! I love that there is no finishing...and of course I love that your model is so colorful.

I'm already thinking of trying this with some other yarns in my collection...I'll have to play at combining to get gauge.

I could hug you for doing all this brain work for us!

Diana Troldahl said...

Thank you Jan! Please share the photo when its done, I'd love to see your version :-} I'll consider myself hugged :-}

Lynx said...

Having a pattern published and getting paid for it is better than sex!
Maybe even better than chocolate? Whoa, don't get carried away there Lyn!
Whoohooos and coffee hugs for you, sis!!!!!