Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Gearing Up

I begin my "new job" on August 12th. (New moon)
I'm looking at writing as a combination of college and employment.
To that end, I've been weaning my life of time-sucking distractions. Reducing the number of television shows I'm recording, going a day or two at a time with little or no television, etc. The first thing I did was reduce the number of email lists I belong to. That has saved me lots of time.
Another thing I'm going toward is checking email twice a day, answering urgent emails, and saving non-urgent ones to answer once a week. I also only reply to email lists once or twice a week. I've chosen Tuesday as 'email day'. It's essentially my first workday of the week, the day Oscar returns to work after his weekend. I may blog more often than once a week, but Tuesday will also be 'blog day'.
I've also been spending time reading books on writing, and have learned much. I will continue to read, for motivation and tips. Another wonderful resource I have is workshops, current and archived, on my RWAonline group. I plan to continuously study one of those at a time.
I am still determining the best way to structure each work-day, but I suspect a big chunk of writing time beginning as Oscar leaves for work will be key to getting the writing portion of the day started right.
Housework can happen while he is still home, and maybe a bit right after my mid-day meal. After writing a chunk of time, I can break and do some workshop stuff, have a meal, then plunge back into the second writing section.
Knitting? Knitting will be beside me to use as a way to let my subconscious work on any point where I get stuck. (Thanks Claire for the tip!)
After the writing part of the day is done, knitting and tv will be waiting for me, to keep me out of trouble.
I will write some every day, but the full-time 'turn the phone off' days will be Wednesday through Saturday.
I'm sure adjustments will happen, but that is my plan at this point.
(image is of tender grape shoots)

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