GIMP ON THE GO has some wonderful travel reviews and hints for those of us on wheels
and another link in the same vein GLOBAL ACCESS
In knitting, one of the installations of "Radical lace and Subversive Knitting" at the Museum of Arts and Design is Sabrina Gschwandtner's
WARTIME KNITTING CIRCLE (The link has 4 free patterns)
On the Power of Knitters front and how you can help, visit:
KNITTERS WITHOUT BORDERS (no need to know how to knit for this one)
(I like this one because it is happy to accept the items I make from natural fibers. Many organizations understandably want only washable acrylics and the like)
Or choose something close to your heart at
A type of knitting appealing to my quirky side is the
KNITTA, PLEASE group out of Houston, Tx Which consists of
"A tag crew of knitters, bombing the inner city with vibrant, stitched works of art, wrapped around everything from beer bottles on easy nights to public monuments and utility poles on more ambitious outings. With a mix of clandestine moves and gangsta rap — Knitta was born! "
For fellow writers:
WRITERS WRITE has some good info.
I particularly like the author interviews
And for an all purpose links list (very well organized I might add)
visit Writer's Digest's 101 BEST WEBSITES FOR WRITERS
For a one-stop resource I mostly visit BARTLBY.COM
a searchable site containing quotes, dictionaries and thesauri
Happy Trails!

So sorry you lost everyting. My computer crashed in November. Wow, not only was it a blow to my ablity to control things, I could have cried! I am glad you are on a roll again.
Thank Goddess for backup disks, eh. Even if it did take over 80 floppies because my CD burner didn't like to record data files, only music...
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