Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Ch ch ch changes...

More of an internal change than anything else. I've been working on anger stuff, it felt like a tangled ball of anger was blocking me from the inside out, and I've started using art therapy to clear the brush.. and its working! I am starting to learn about the craft of writing, and feeling more alive and alert! I've had dreams every night, in which I am writing, and I just feel better overall. I will be joining the Word play (link to be added later) and doing a few more exercises to keep that creative channel open! I am a member of RWA and RWAOL (Romance Writers of America, and their on line chapter) and have found it a tremendous resource for hard facts about the business, tips of all parts of the craft, as well as good old fashioned support when things go badly or well.

Some other goals.. get my Otterwise website up and running.... which means learning a bit more code....

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