Saturday, June 25, 2011

Update and Summer Wildflowers

Wildflower patch

Crown Vetch and Cinque Foil
Oscar and I just got back from a walk. It has been quite a while since I got out of the house between fibro flares and rainy days, I think this is my first outing since Wednesday the 15th. There are two things I hope we find wherever we move, one is friendly neighbors. We had a few lovely conversations on our walk. The other is the bike path and patch of wild lands between it and the freeway. I grew up out in the countryside and having this little patch of land to watch during the changing of seasons has meant a lot to me. (photos from today's walk).
Update-wise Oscar had a phone interview yesterday with a company he would be happy to work for. We expect to hear back late next wee. He is almost through the first swath of studying for his first certification. If the company decides not to hire him at this point, he likes it well enough to try again after the certifications are under his belt.
I am still 'fibro flaring' but I am glad I forced myself to go out today. The warmth and sun did me a lot of good, even if it meant an increased dose of pain meds, the emotional health was well worth it!
We are planning to take a week or so off ebay. Our (almost 10 years of) experience has shown that the week of and week after national holidays tend to be very poor in bidding. We will prepare lots of stuff for listing, but not have anything go active until July 12 to end on July 19th.


Don Meyer said...

Glad you were able to get out. I know it's good for me, even if it's just for a doctor's appointment.

I wish the best for Oscar, and pray that he gets the best job ever.

Kym said...

So glad you were able to get out and enjoy some fresh air and a beautiful summer day. Sending you positive energy -- you and Oscar certainly have a lot going on right now! Hugs to you, Diana!

AlisonH said...

Fresh flowers on the stem. Life on the walk side. Beautiful.