From Splinters and Threads, in Merkel, TX
"We are making quilts for the families of the soldiers lost at Fort Hood Nov 5, 2009 as well as the police officer that took down the shooter. Here are signature quilt ideas. Blocks must be 6 1/2 inch blocks (6" finished size). Please make them red, white, and blue. Sign your name and state and a note if you would like. If you are a military Vet or active duty, please include your rank and branch of service on the blocks. I would like to have these by the first week in December 1, 2009 so that we can get them quilted and to the families for Christmas this year.
The blocks need to be here by Dec 1. Tops can be here by Dec 7. Finished quilts by Dec 15.
If you do embroidery only we welcome you to send patriotic designs and /or your name stitched on white fabric. Please trim to 6 1/2" square and don't forget your signature.
If you do not quilt or embroider, please sign a piece of white fabric square 6 1/2" to 7" with a sharpie pen. Keep your signature near the center of the fabric so that fabric can be sewn around it.
Please send blocks or finished quilts to:
Gina Reddin 185 CR 414 Merkel, TX 79536 email: gina.reddin@gmail.com"
What a lovely idea!
Thank you for posting this. We are going to continue with this effort so keep the blocks coming. There are continually newly wounded soldiers coming in and what better way to comfort them not only with a quilt but with words of encouragement in the signature blocks.
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