Wednesday, September 02, 2009

It Spins Me Right Round Baby Right Round

A long time ago, I learned spinning on a drop spindle formed from an apple stuck on the end of a pencil. I was living at Rancho Paso in Woodland, California; caring for critters in exchange for part of the rent, and learned a lot of things that year.
I loved spinning. I remember feeling as though I had done it many times before, and that I just needed to help my fingers remember to regain old skills.
Years passed, and I had another opportunity to re-learn drop spindling at Brushwood in upstate New York. Again, it was more like remembering than learning, and again, I loved the feeling of peace it brought. I still have the drop spindle, and even though I am all about lightening the load of un-needed stuff in the house, I could never bring myself to get rid of it, just moving it from one place to another. When my messed up tummy made it difficult to sit upright for long, and my messed up ankle made treadling improbable I had pretty much given up on ever spinning again.Yes, there are electric spinning wheels, and I was open to getting one of them but 1. They are really expensive, and 2. I really love the magic of having my hands part of the creation process.
Enter The DreamSpinner, laughing with joy. I found a Youtube Video showing a tool she invented called the ©Sling-Blade Handspinner. Even if you are not interested in textiles, give it a gander, it is fascinating to watch. The coolness of it is the twist in the yarn is created by very slight hand motion, translating to the blade and thus to the held fiber. I contacted her to ask about the use while reclining, and a few other things, and we've become friends in the course of a few days. (Love the internet I tell you, I love it.)
And it CAN be easily used while reclining with my feet up, without damage to any part of my body. The cats might need an adjustment period, though.
Yesterday I got out my old drop spindle, with the very small portion of roving that accompanied it in New York. In short sessions (sitting up until the body protested) I spent much of the day creating maybe 15 yards of yarn. I am proud if it, even though it is a lumpy bumpy 'artistic' yarn even after setting the twist. I will be using it to make a distaff, I think.
I loved spinning, every minute of it, but spindle hand and tummy still feel the effect this morning. I wanted to re-acquaint myself with the basics because today or tomorrow, my very own ©Sling-Blade Handspinner arrives!!!
I will be certain to tell you more.


Teri said...

Thank You for your kind write-up Diana! Your Kittehs will very quickly LEARN to RESPECT the whirling ©SLING BLADE & keep well clear! I am DYING to know how you like spining with it! I think it'll be JUST the thing for your special postural needs! YOU are the one I've designed & created my line of adaptive Spinning wheels & tools FOR! TRY using it with a thin pillow or folded towel beneath your dominant spinning forearm for EXTRA comfort & support! Be Well Sweet Friend & Happy "blading"! Teri

Unknown said...

I can't wait for it to arrive, Diana. I am so excited for you. I look forward to all the wonderful yarns you will create and then work them up into one of your gorgeous creations.

Leslie said...

Kewlio! Love that you have found a way to spin, now those Cats MUST learn to respect your space. Can't wait for more.

AlisonH said...

I can just picture swinging that thing around on, say, a plane ride...

Anonymous said...

Now I've got that song in my head! :)

Barbara Wells Sarudy said...

Hello! Can't find your email, so I will leave a comment. Thank you so much for your comments on my blogs with flowers. Unfortunately, I do not know the names of the roses, but I love that you read my blogs on 18th century women and historic gardens. Barbara

Zina said...

Oh NO...mustn't start spinning on top of knitting, not at least until I settle down and get off the road...hmmm...that sure looks like no no...eeek! :)

Zina said...

Oh NO...mustn't start spinning on top of knitting, not at least until I settle down and get off the road...hmmm...that sure looks like no no...eeek! :)