This will be for Ysabeau. I love the sparkle in the Mossyplace! I used the yarn left over from my Dragontial shawl, combined with some Noro Silk Garden to be certain I had enough yarn for the project. I love how well the colors combined. It was a fun project! (from the book "Knit Along") I will likely make a few more of these, maybe for presents for my nieces for Yule this year.

Fun, I made something similar. I wear it so many ways. I figure when I am tired of wearing it as a scarf or belt I will either applique or needle felt it to a felted bag. Love the yarn you use, nummy.
Oh, what a cool idea! And beautifully done.
Yay, Diana! I love, love, love it... gonna wear it with jeans, gonna wear it with hand dyed skirts, gonna wear it alll by itself, um, at home of course! Gorgeous!
That is really cool!
I think I need to take a brake with socks and baby sweaters and make some fun stuff like this!
Where can I find instructables?
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