Last year at this time I was still very much in hermit mode. Sherri, Lynn and Oscar my only real contacts locally. I had more friends on the internet, good friends, but didn't go anywhere or do anything on my own (those who knew me years ago would be flabbergasted).
This summer that has changed. One of my dear friends is leaving town, which is a sad thing, but last night I had a wonderful time with several new friends, met through Oscar's work. We sat and ate sushi and talked and laughed for hours. Just by chance, the other two women were in corsets (they arrived straight from the Renn Faire in Holly) and I had a t-shirt with the image of a corseted Pirate Wench's chest on it... complete with tattoo.
Oh we had fun. I forgot how much fun I have making people laugh, and got many great hugs. I think we'll be spending lots of time with them in the future, here and there.
Another vastly exciting thing has happened. A new health and fitness center has opened in town with the emphasis on HEALTH. And we joined. The other fitness center in town had no parking for handicap vans. None. And didn't seem to care when I called about it, to see if ther ewas another way I could get there.
THIS center, when I asked, said they weren't sure if they had van parking (They do, at least 5 spots, I think) but added if I ever had trouble finding a place to park my van all I have to do is pull into their covered drive, call them on my cell, and someone will valet park my van for me!
With or membership all classes are free, including aqua aerobics. They have three whirlpools, sauna an steam room, and an ARM BICYCLE exerciser. It is wonderful. I am very excited!
I will go swimming Wednesday or Thursday.
I would go tomorrow, but I over did things a bit today. Lowe's didn't have a working motorized cart handy, so after wheeling around the health and fitness center on the tour (about an hour exercise) I also spent more than an hour wheeling around Lowes. Oscar helped out when I got too tired, but I did most of it by myself. Six months ago I couldn't have done that for more than maybe 20 minutes (I remember a trip to Ikea with Lynnie and Oscar).
I think using the swift to wind yarn into balls has really helped :-}
Hey, It counts as cardiovascular exercise! Anyway, because I overdid it so much today, tomorrow will be a recuperation day.
Anyway, I am so very happy about this new fitness center. It will be a wonderful place to go and spend time and get myself into better and better shape!

do they allow guests??? I can get a Greyhound schedule and come see ya!!! LOL
Spoons: night before last, I not only used my day's allotment of spoons, but also some forks and a spatula. still paying for it.... WHY do I do this??? all for the love of creating, that's why. think we can get a bulk discount on plastic spoons at Dollar Tree?
What a wonderful activity to look forward to. Exercise is so good for the mind and body. Enjoy!!
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