My brothers Kenny and Kelly were there too. Kelly had the day off work, but Kenny's visit was a lovely surprise. He happened to be in town for a doctors appointment and stayed for supper. Damn my mom can cook.
I also had a chance to chat on the phone with my cousin Penny. She's headed for a bison santuary in Montana to help study grasshoppers. She'll be there until September, and I envy all the wide open spaces she'll get to see :-}
I love visits with my folks. We had some rough times as a family a few decades ago, water under the bridge. Every visit now is bittersweet with the knowledge that they are aging. Each memory we build is doubly precious.
Below is a pciture of my folks and my brothers taken just a few decades ago... Time flies :-}
From right to left its Kenny, Kelly, My Mom, My Dad and Ronnie.

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