Monday, April 30, 2018

Wastebasket Gardening, part 2

Yesterday's picture was an "in place" view of these stands.  Basically, I found some free kitchen shelves at MSU Surplus (Michigan State University), and made these "stepped" boxes to allow our containers to be at the right height for Diana to tend from the wheelchair.  Other than the screws and time, the boxes were made from 100% "upcycled" materials.  The containers are 1960s vintage steel trash cans... After this picture was taken I drilled a number of 1/4" holes in each one for drainage.  Then, I put down some rubber mulch nuggets to even out the ground between the rails of the two parts of the wheelchair ramp, put the boxes in place, put the containers on the boxes, put 3-4 inches of Perlite in the bottom then filled the rest with potting soil.  There are a few containers along the outside of the ramp as well, and 4 more of the round ones for planting in the front yard near the front steps... so a total of 16  rectangle (about 8"x16") and 9 round (about 13" diameter), plus a large tub I call the Purple People Feeder (about 23" square and deeper than the wastebaskets) and a couple of plastic planters - and all but the four for in front are full of dirt and planted with seeds or plants.


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