Photo op on Saturday, Amanda and Sean (and maybe Tommy) will be meeting us at the Matthei Botanical Gardens, my favorite place to take photos, so Amanda can model a few of my new knitted and crocheted things for patterns. If I really kick butt, I can have one more shawl ready by then, I hope.
Photo op today in about 8 hours... My friend Alison and I are leading slightly parallel lives at the moment. I, too, am in the midst of taking massive doses of prednisone in preparation for a CT scan (she had hers last week, I think). I had a bad reaction to the dye back in 1976, my arm that received it swelled up to triple it's size. Amazing. So they don't like to take chances, even 34 years later. My sleep cycle, thanks in large part to LynnM's gift of Doctor Stuart's Valerian Plus Tea (amazing stuff!) was back to normal this week, but I am finding it hard to sleep with all these steroids in my body. I keep having the urge to run up steps in Philadelphia to the song 'Eye Of The Tiger' (Reference to the movie 'Rocky' to all you youngun's.)
I hope you have a lovely day out at the botanic gardens!
We have to get rid of tansy here because it's deadly poisonous to our livestock and spreads like crazy. But I do like the color.
I know what you mean about being high on prednisone.. Oh my gosh, I felt like I was being attacked by hoards of biting ants when I had to be on it for three days....
I hope you did okay. I did react to that iodine the one doctor insisted it was impossible to be allergic to--my face was bright red for two days and I felt my throat going nearly shut during the thing. But the results were good, it's over, I'm okay, and I hope you are too.
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