First, a photo of Levi taken a week or so ago. He is turning over by himself but doesn't quite have the neck strength yet to keep his head up for a long time when he's on his tummy.
I am so glad he lives close-by, I am enjoying my great-aunt-hood :-}
In knitting, I have nailed down the final details of the Withig summer cowl, and will be knitting it for the next few days. The charts are all finished, and the yarn is yummy. It will be a quick knit, too.
For fun, I am knitting a kit called the Spring/Summer shawl (the photo above Levi, from the Knit Picks site). I think I may switch out the peach for the pink, then either use the peach as the final color, or choose a different color for the edging.
I am almost finished with the turquoise/spring green blended bit. It has been a great TV knit, and very relaxing.
I have all the yarn I need for a toddler/little boy sized sweater, and I think I have most of the details determined. I will make a sweater swatch ala Jacqueline Fee's Sweater Workshop book to finalize the pattern. This involves adding all the details to a tubular knit, so that you have gauge and your decisions all made re: collar, edging, buttonholes, any colorwork or textured stitches. It also looks pretty interesting when you are finished!
And sleep. Tuesday I didn;t sleep until about 10 a.m. and slept 4 hours total. Wednesday, slept from 3:30 a.m. until 8:30 a.m.. Thursday, no sleep at all until noon on Friday.
Had a pretty good night last night. Slept from 11:30 until 3:30, got up with my face itching and my joints hurting. I took more benadryl and another dose of pain meds (it was time for another dose), and slept deeply until 11 a.m.! That's why I was able to make such good progress on the Withig Cowl pattern today :-}
Hoping tonight goes as well!
He's so cute!
Can you believe, when my kids were babies through the 80's, you could not buy anything with stuffed fabric tubes like that to hold their heads up? In a carseat, you figured out fast that you could roll up a receiving blanket and put it around their heads to support them when they were newborns, but there were no products inherently designed to keep their heads from lolling far to the side.
Nuts to that. I sewed and stuffed my own soft flannel tubing for them. And now every time I see a baby in something like what Levi's in, an idea that only makes such good sense, I wonder, hey, corporate world, what took so long? Glad they caught on!
You too--sleep well. Let me know if you need me to put you in a good carseat and drive around till you fall asleep.
i can't wait to see the toddler sweater. :)
Hope you slept all right last night...just a touch noisy!
I haven't been sleeping well either. I think it's just all of this nervy waiting around for UK BA. *sigh*
Love those sweet little baby toes! :-) The shawl is going to be a stunner, Diana! Lovely, cheerful colors.
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